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"The main feature of the Solo player is its balanced composition. Since it has a good self sustain and good pressure against the enemy, it is able to fight without needing support or dps players to help it win the fights."

Minimum Requirements:

Check out the build editor tool and find out if you are close to the baseline:

  • Armor: 2,400

  • Health: 20,000

  • Healing power: for every point you may reduce your health by 3. For example at 500 healing power you may have a health of 20,000 - (500*3) = 18,500​​


(one of the 3 options)

  • Condi damage:

    • Condition power: 1,000

  • Power damage:

    • Power: 2,000 

    • Critical hit chance: 30% 

    • Critical hit damage: 200%

  • Hybrid:

    • Condition power: 800 

    • Power:1700 

    • Critical hit chance: 30% 

    • Critical hit damage: 190%   


  • A gap-closer and means to escape:

    • Teleports, pulls, immobilize,  leaps, stealth, superspeed 

  • Distractions:

    • Clones, minions, pets, stealth, AoE skills, high mobility

  • Break stun​

  • Crowd control

  • Condition cleanses

  • Boon generation

Job Description

The Solo role is probably the more complex role because it has several duties depending on the game mode. 



  • The Solo player is able to do the specific mechanics of the encounters

  • It can help taking aggro when the supporters need to disengage and heal themselves

  • Can help revivng fainted allies

  • Can add some damage against the enemy without taking away the boon support needed by the DPS players



  • The Solo player can move alone towards bases, map mechanics and enemy players. It will try to move to the objectives that are farther away from the supporters/dps-duos to help control the map faster and reduce the risk of the supporters/dps-duos from being compromised in a disadvantageous fight.

  • The Solo player can duel and fight outnumbered. These solo fights are good for isolating an enemy (or enemies) preventing them to participate in map mechanics, base captures, and team fights. Also exploiting a weak enemy or advantageous match up, earning kills for the team.

    • When fighting, the Solo player will prey on enemies with very low sustain and enemies with very low damage​

  • The Solo player can also participate in team fights, when such situation happens (similarly to PvE) the Solo player can help by:

    • Taking aggro (being annoying for the enemy and kiting it)​

    • Reviving fainted allies (using crowd control and distractions to prevent the enemy from finishing the ally or cleaving it)

    • Adding damage (the Solo player can add damage flanking the enemy and making it hard for it to focus on a single target)​



  • The Solo player will move around the main ally team repeling roaming enemies that are trying to kill the fragile members of the team. The Solo player should not chase the enemy roamers, just repel/kill fast then go back into formation.

  • The Solo player can roam around the enemy picking fights with players that are alone, to try and get quick kills. If the Solo player can't get the kill fast, it should go back into formation.

  • The Solo player can roam around the enemy, using its mobility and distractions to draw the enemy attention away from the main ally team, and also to taunt them into wasting their skills before the main ally team engages combat. 

Keep in mind...

When doing Solo role It is very important to get very comfortable with the character. Fast engage and disengage has to be natural. You have to know your traits, know several sequences of skills that work with your traits. And you have to know what to expect from the other classes that you are going to be facing.


  1. The first step to be successful is being able to move around the terrain easily, you can't struggle to get close to the enemy or escape from it.

  2. Second step is having sustain. For this you will want:
    - A source for blocking/evading.
    - Several condi cleanses, and breakstuns (and/or stability sources).
    - Barriers, or strong heals
    - Distractions: CC, stealth, clones, pets, minions, etc
    - Equipment: gear high on vitality if you have few condition cleanses. Gear high on armor if you have few distractions and you are expecting the enemy to hit you a lot. Gear high on healing if you have strong healing skills (not all healing skills benefit the same from increasing healing stat, some receive a higher boost than others)


  3. Third and final is having damage. You will want one of these:
    - A constant damage (when your sustain is high)
    - A peak/bomb damage (when your sustain is low)
    - Equipment: should be "tuned" depending on how much sustain you can spare without dying too much.

PvE Pointers

There is a tool in the top left of your screen that is named the "LFG System" (wiki link here) it is common to find teams looking for members for strikes, fractals, dungeons, etc. If you want to use this tool to join other players do not expect to find them asking for the "Solo Role" because that name was invented by our guild. There are many ways people will ask for roles, but it is fairly common that people will ask for particular things they need,


For example:

  • Need alacrity/quickness/stability...

  • Need (specific class)

  • Need someone for aggro phase

  • Need CC


As a Solo role you can prepare your build to fill some of these specific needs and your team will not need to lose damage or heals from a pure dps or support player. You will be able to contribute with utility and some additional mild damage/support.

PvP Pointers

  • Even though dueling is part of your job, DO NOT prioritize dueling over score.

  • Do long fights if you are defending captured bases or if you are getting several kills, but do not stay in long fights if you are trying to capture and not getting kills.

  • Even though you can fight alone do remember that if you go with your teamates you will have faster and better results for both defending and capturing.

In this clip you can see gameplay of the Solo role. First notice as Solo I have the sustain to go revive, and I have enough damage to get some kills.


The type of Solo composition im using is constant damage + high sustain. Notice i have long fights, with very little health at times, but i have enough passive sustain that allows me to keep doing pressure even at low health (opposite of a dps player who should disengage as soon as his life gets too low).


Plus my damage is constant so the enemy ends up dying not becuase i do a lot of damage, but because im able to do it for a longer period of time.

Again notice the long fights, the lots of sustain, and the ability to defeat tired enemies.


Plus notice at 0:04 and at 0:42 the shadowstep i use on skill 4.


For Solo players it is very important to be able to navigate and keep the pressure easily.

Again long fights lots of sustain. Plus 2 additional features: 

  1. Always, no matter the role, you should prioritize score. Here i go for bell at the beginning and at the end i stay for the base capture.

  2. Although i can fight alone, it is always better to fight with a teamate.

WvW Pointers

  • Solo role is great for fighting alone, for this reason many players that do not play in zergs choose this role and try to hunt solitary players. The sad part is that people choose to do this "hunting" on newbbies and guildless players that do not have means to defend themselves in a fair fight, that is just bullying. So please IN OUR GUILD DO NOT FARM SOLITARY / NEWBBIE PLAYERS.

  • Solo players should move independantly but not farther than its ability to come back to the group

  • It is also very important for Solo players to keep in mind that they play with a squad, so their efforts have to be directed to help the squad.

    • Good examples are:

      • Defeating enemies that are attacking the most vulnerable players of the team.

    • ​Very bad examples are:

      • Chasing solitary enemies for more than 3k units just to get a kill while the rest of the team is engaged in combat with an enemy zerg.

  • Solo players can form pairs or small units to defeat enemies faster and safer

Full Length Fights

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