In this roleplay the character is starting with the background given by the game, he is a noble from Divinitys Reach, blessed by Dwayna the goddes of life, and he is just a human without any meta knowledge. The suffix Rls stands for "Realistic" which means in this roleplay i will play without the user interface, so i wont know my health or cooldowns or the enemies health, dying in game will have consequences corresponding to the way how the death happened. The character is starting with level 20 and no utility skills except the racial skills. Everything, from skins to abilities will have to be earned in world.
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The story continues in
He arrived to the Wynchona camp where he got information about the bandits
with the materials he had been able to gather he was able to build ballistas hidden in the woods all around the bandits camp with triggering systems upon coming in range. The result was a masacre of the bandits.
Having finished his hunt he set to return to his home in Divinity's reach.
He arrived to Divinity's Reach to the alchemists and with their help he was able to identify the key detoxifying component of the Krait witch's blood and was able to synthezise the elixir.
At his return to his house, some bandits tried to assault him and steal the elixir. He was able to defeat them and got information of their gang boss. He went to the shining blade to find information on the gang and they told him where the boss had been last seen.
He decided he would take action and would set a precedent that no bandit would forget, of how messing with the nobility is synonym of death. He set off for Harathi hinterlands where the bandits gang was hiding, taking advantage of the conflict with the centaurs.
When he arrived to the hinterlands he was alerted that the centaurs were attacking the seraph encampments, and he went to lend a hand.
He learned how to build and use ballistas from the seraph engineers.
And as a gift for helping the seraph he was given a change of uniform, because the centaurs were attacking all encampments and with his noble clothes he would be a moving target.
He set off for the bandits hideout but he had to cross the war zone.
He arrived to an outpost of the seraph under attack and he started helping.
The battle was cruel and a rampaging modnir berserker charged upon the soldiers with his mighty axe. Rls was able to cover his head from a decapittating blow by putting his armored arms in a defensive stance but the blow broke his arms and knoced him inconcious.
The battle was cruel but finally reinforcements came to the aid and pushed the centaurs away.
The Seraph medic treated Rls's injuries, the slash to his head damaged one of his eyes, and the arms he used to block the full power of the blow, were broken and were fixed in place with help of an arm prothesis.
When Rls woke up he had been taken to the town of Serpah's Landing in Greystone Rise. He had lost all of his equipment and had to come to terms with his injuries. He spent the next days recovering in the town.
In order to get food and equipment for self defense he helped during his stay with the chicken farms and stables. His limited use of the left hand, and his immobile right arm made it difficult, but he got help from his warclaw which he found at the stables, apparently it had carried him from the front line to the town.
When he finally felt better he left the town resolved to avenge his injuries by bringing the end to the bandits that had put him in this situation.
When he dove he was able to see freshwater sharks that only lived in the tower of nightmares, and he was completely convinced that there was something going on inside of it.
He spoke with the local fishermen and offered his help. They gave him an skiff and he set off to the ruins.
As he got close he saw deep underwater a lot of creatures were disturbed and moving frenzy, he knew that should be the place where he would find answers, but it was too deep and his diving equipment was not going to help him resist the water pressure and oxygen-nitrogen compensation.
His plan was to go back to Claypool and have the craftsmen create some construction for him.
But whe he went close to the lake's opposite side, he found a camp of asura. Turned out that the chaos was being altering the asuran's plan of researching the ruins of the tower of nightmares, and a local species of quaggan had already told them that it was due to a Krait Witch that had taken control over the place. Rls offered to help and he having studies in engineering suggested the asura could make him a suit with parts of the golems they had for underwater exploration.
The asura technicians and the tengu armor crafter were able to create an underwater suit, and RLS used it to go fight the krait witch
He was able to defeat her and even get a sample of her magical blood that was immune to conditions, he took the sample with him with plans of studying it and trying to come out with a synthethic version.
He left the waters and went to return the suit.
The quaggans were grateful with him and offered some of their goods
Then he returned to Triskell quay to tell everyone that the problem had been solved.
And he departed to Divinty's reach where he would go to the alchemists to see how to synthezise the Krait witch blood into an elixir.
Rls was a noble from Divinity's Reach, as all nobles, he was entitled with the administration of Krytan lands, although he was not a high rank noble who would be landlord, he was still working in association with other nobles to recover the Kessex Hills cities that were affected years ago by the tower of nightmares.
One day his superiors sent him to Lions Arch to the mists adventurer's guild initiative headquarters. Mists Adventurers were believed to be a race of mist walkers that came to Tyria when the elder dragon Zhaitan woke up. Theories hypothesized that those beings came through the mists absorbing some of Zhaitan's death magic, granting them the power to rise from the death as Zhaitan's undead minions, except for some unkown reason they didnt succumb to the elder's dragon mind control. Nonetheless mist adventurers were corrupted by an obsession of greed, that made them crave for coin and magic equipment. Lions Arch being an independant state with members of all races, came to a solution to the threat that the mist adventurers pose, they created the guild initiative. The guild initiative formed groups of smaller sub-guilds to keep track of all the mists adventurers in Tyria. To convince them to join the initiative, Lions Arch would share their secret maps and information (collected from centuries of piracy by the Lions arch founders), and would assign tasks to the guilds to go and retrieve treasure that was known by the pirates but never taken due to the high risks, monsters, and traps located where the treasures laid. The promise of treasure would captivate the mists adventurers and would keep them busy and controlled. Additionally the guild initiative would help the guilds with their network of vendors from the black lion trading company, providing easy and save delivery of transactions between guilds and mists adventurers, at a fixed fee per using the services. Lions Arch knew they would need to make huge amounts of coin to keep the adventurers under control and so they made a deal with the strongest Djinn Zommoros. Many years ago a little girl arrived to Lions Arch, she came from far seas, and arrived alone in an Elonian boat, her name was Miyani. Miyani was carrying a majestic lamp, and when the pirates saw it they tried to steal it, from the lamp appeared a being never seen before, it bended the water with ease and washed the pirates to the sea. One of the leaders of Lions Arch saw what happened and gave refuge to the girl and the waterbender. The waterbender was Zommoros the strongest Djinn, he had saved Miyani from dying in the desert, and helped her come back to the civilization, because she had helped him settle down a struggle with the other cardinal Djinns, in which it was decided who was the strongest Djinn. Now that he had fulfilled his promise he was ready to go. The lions arch leader offered him the key to the city, knowing that having such strong ally could be useful in the future. Zommoros thank him but said he must go, instead he gave Miyani a conduit, an artifact that would open a communication path between the two of them. When the crisis of the mist adventurers happened Lions Arch leaders agreed that it was an extinction type event, the mists adventurers were much more intelligent than the undead and stronger too, if the mists adventurers were to allign themselves with the undead, zhaitan or each other, and turn against Tyria, the war would be lost. With this in mind they asked Miyani to contact Zommoros. The plan was to create a pool of coin isolated from any Tyrian nation, this pool would be used to draw the mists adventurers attention off from the Tyrian nations and citizens. The guild initiative would set missions for the adventurers to recover treasure from every corner fo tyria, they would keep a catalog of the tresure recovered by the adventurers and would show it to other adventurers, they would help the hungry adventurers trade their treasures assigning value in coin and keeping the artifacts in safe custody, for each transaction they would charge a fee in coin, so basically they were receiving the treasures and coin from the tricked adventurers. The adventurers would think they were saving their treasures but in reality lions arch needed to take the pool of treaures and coin away from tyria. Zommoros offered the realm of his lamp to be the place where to save the treasure, he also offered to create magical equipment with legendary magic, the equipment would ease the hearts of the mists adventurers. The result of this was the Mystic forge conduit.
For years lions arch, the black lion trading company and the mystic forge of zommoros had worked in secret protecting tyria from the mists adventurers by keeping them busy and collecting the majority of their tresures. This was only known by a few, and the general public had no idea, this included Rls. Rls had come to the guild initiative hoping to find help for Kessex Hills, he was expecting to convince the initiative to assign missions and people to his region. But the initiative refused because the zone was empty of known treasures and there was simply no incentive for the adventurers to participate. Despite there being a reason, the initiative couldnt share with Rls this information, and just refused, leaving a frustrated Rls.
Rls left Lions Arch disappointed and set route towards Kessex hills where he would have to find a way to help.
Halfway through his journey he stopped at First Haven, a lions arch stronghold, where the sheriff warned him to not go near the lands where humans and centaurs were having conflict. What shocked Rls was that Lions Arch had zero regard for the faith of the humans. He left despising lions arch even more.
In Kessex hills he found a Lions arch soldier and a seraph escorting a caravan of supplies to another lions arch stronghold. The Queen herself had allowed such strongholds in Krytan lands and had requested cooperation from the Seraph, in an attempt to help protect the kingdom. Rls softened himself and offered to help.
At the distance he saw a group of centaurs and feared they would be raided, his fears became true.
The escorts were able to put down the centaurs and arrived to the stronghold where a centaur was talking with the sheriff, the owner of the caravan got mad when he saw it, and rushed to complain about how they had just been attacked.
Rls was also mad to his eyes, Lions arch was funding the centaurs and contributing to the war. He hurried to leave the keep, he was done with Lions Arch. As a Krytan noble under the orders of her Majesty Jennah, he could not lay hand on Lions Arch, but he knew he wasnt going to forgive them so easily.
During the escort he used all the ammunition he had for his riffle and pistols, so he decided he would go to Triskellions village. there was an iron mine in the village and he could get bullets from it.
The quarry master told him they had just shipped their last cargo of the season to Divinity's Reach. Rls didnt like to use his status to impose over the normal folk, so he asked for the equipment and decided to mine the ore himself.
While he was mining, the village alarms went on, there was a group of centaurs coming to raid the village.
With the help of the seraph soldiers they repeled the attack, and the quarry master gave him as present some tools to mine.
After a few days he decided to leave to the next town to see how things were going. He arrived to the east shore of Viathans lake, to the town of Triskell Quay where he met with the town's Major. The major told him that they were having issues recently because some of the krait that were living in the remains of the tower of nightmares had moved into this side of the lake and were ruining their fishing.
Not having anyone to help them, Rls asked for some underwater equipment, and decided to dive and see what could have driven the krait out from thei habittat in the ruins of the tower of nightmares.