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Always craft your build in the build editor before doing it in the game, this will save you time and gold. Click the button to go to the build editor tool

In this short guide i will show some simple steps so that everyone can learn how to build their characters.




The game says the build is the traits and skills you can select for a character. You access the build tab by entering in hero panel and going to the second tab with the name "Build". You will see the game gives you a default of 3 templates, and you can buy more with gems.


Another important term is equipment template, where you select your armor, trinckets and weapons. You access in the hero panel going to the first tab, and then the first option. You will see the game gives you a default of 2 templates and you can unlock more wiht gems.


This being said, players usually say build to refer to both the equipment and the build, as a whole thing.


Now, you care about the build because different combinations of equipement, traits and skills will allow you to perform better on specific situations



The first things you have to decide are:


  1. - what profession you like?

  2. - and what role you like?


To choose your profession the process is simple: choose the one you find more interesting or you identify with the most. ALL PROFESSIONS ARE CAPABLE OF DOING ANY ROLE. The differences are in the skills, traits, and base stats.


About Skills and Traits: Some professions have skills with additional features, that you may not find in other professions, this doesnt make any profession better, as the game likes to keep a balance and will always give you something but also will take something from you, in any profession.


About base stats: Professions have different base HEALTH and ARMOR stats go to and select class by class to see the differences (you will see the stats at the left side change as you change class)


Now to choose your role go to the Roles guide in this website and see what are the main roles.




Now that you know what you like to play is time to close your eyes and imagine yourself in the field.


  1. Where are you supposed to be positioned?

  2. What is your primary job? and what isnt?

  3. How do you stay alive?

  4. What additional things you can do?

  5. What does your team needs from you?


If you answer these questions you can start building.




Stats: Stats are numbers that tell how much of each attribute you have. See more info in


So lets begin answering the questions of STEP 3.


1) If your role requires you to be in front line you want to select for your build a combination of:

  • High health

  • High toughness

  • Blocking, evading, invulnerability, and reflecting skills

  • Defensive boons like Aegis, Protection, Resolution, Resistance

  • High heals or barriers


As you move to a position farther away from frontline you will need less of the previous mentioned sustain skills.


2) Depending on your role you will have different requirements, look at Roles guide in this step, there is a base guideline at the beginning of each role section.


Now lets talk about selecting skills and traits.

  • First, ALWAYS READ THE TRAIT AND SKILLS TOOLTIPS, yes i know this is long but you have to do it.

  • As you are reading look for the following: Write down, or memorize, and clasify your skills in terms of value (stronger damage/effects higher value).

  • Depending on your role you want to have one or several high value skills for:

    • Burst attack

    • Burst defense

    • Engage / Disengage

    • Chase / Escape

  • And several low value skills for:

    • Constant pressure

    • Constant defense

  • After choosing your skills in a way that is congruent to your job, go to the traits and select those traits that enhance your selected skills, or cover weak points that you couldnt cover with your selected skills.


3) To stay alive be mindful of your role, if you play a dps role, or a support role, you are meant to be in a team, and you will struggle to survive being alone either because you lack damage or you lack sustain, if you are expecting being alone, my recommendation is that you have 2 builds at least, one for your pure role, and another that you will tune towards your needs when you are alone (this is actually how you make a Solo role, look at the Role Guides)


4) & 5) If you selected skills and traits and equipment to do 1),2),3), and you notice there is more than one single option to accomplish it, and you have the posibility to do your job and even more things at the same time, then consider the following:

  • If you are Power dps:

    • Add CC effects to lock down your enemies and be able to effectively do damage.

    • Add damage boons such as might, fury, quickness, alacrity.

    • Add distractions such as stealth, pets, minions, clones.

    • Do not add heals or defensive buffs, you will probably not see any difference due to the low sustain of your equipment

  • If you are Condition dps:

    • Add CC effects to lock down your enemies and be able to effectively do damage.

    • Add damage boons such as might, quickness, alacrity.

    • Add distractions such as stealth, pets, minions, clones.

    • You may add heals or defensive buffs, if your equipment is high in vitality and toughness.

  • If you are Support:

    • Add condition damage (there are many equipment sets that allow tanky stats for supports+condition damage).

    • Do not add power damage, your equipment stats wont be enough to make good use of it.

    • And ask your team leader if there is any specific skill or effect that the squad needs.

Gold Making

"There isnt a fast way to make gold, except credit card"

Lets talk about gold. Gold is an easy to get resource because it is not time gated, this means you can get as much gold as you want as long as you are willing to farm it.


There is no really super fast way of doing it, and youtube will lie to you with videos telling you to do long content with suppossed huge gold income above 20g, 30g even 60g per hour THAT IS A LIE DONT LOSE YOUR TIME WATCHING THOSE VIDEOS.





1. First and fastest method: credit card. If you buy gems and convert them to gold you get 150gold for 800gems (10$) if you can walk your neighbor dogs, or help him with the garden, groceries or whatever, you can probably get 10$ in an hour, making it the fastest way to get gold. And you get to be social and enjoy physical activity.


2. Second best direct farm is pvp tournaments. Prices range from 25g raw +5mystic coins (30g total) to 5g+1MC (6g total) depending your place. Usually an average player can hope for 10g.


3. Easy meta events: Lets talk about other ingame sources that are guaranteed and more accessible. We will talk about 3 open world meta events:

  1. Octovine: this event lasts 4minutes on a well organized squad and up to 10min on a standard group. +10min looting. You get tons of unidentified pieces that you can sell. If you sell all of it and all materials you get 2-4gold/20min. This event happens every 2 hours in auric basin (second map of heart of thorns). You have to arrive early to get in a high populated map.

  2. Dragonfall meta: this happens in the last chapter map of living world season 4. The whole map is a meta event, you join a squad, do events, get keys, then you fight the dragon, then you loot the chests, and if you have mounts you can chase the after meta bosses that drop more chests (you dont have to kill them to get the chests, so you can let the players with their fancy dragons do the killing and you just loot the chests). This meta gives materials and unidentified gear that you also sell for about 2-4gold. This meta is much more time consuming about 1h30m but you will also get two special currencies: mystic motes (used for collections, legendary stuff, skyscale, volatile magic) and volatic magic.

    • Volatile magic can be turned to gold by investing gold. For every 1gold+250vm you spend you get in average 1.1g back, so you want to wait to have a lot of it. Usually players wait to have 60k VM to get back about 40g back. So doing this meta you passively work for extra gold.

  3. Bjora winter storms meta: like octovine this happens every 2 hours but you can only loot once. It takes like 20 mins you get about 3-4gold but you get special currency (ice) that can be converted to lws4 currency that we discussed above. This is second chapter of icebrood saga. Wiki the map to learn the location of all chests. 


4. Crafts: Now lets talk about valuable crafts. Search in Wiki ascended daily crafts you will see some crafts you can only do once per day, you can refine them into their next tier material and sell for profit around 1gold each, there are 3 profitable mats so you can get 3g extra. If you are into crafting and dont mind collecting extra materials wiki jeweled damsk patch for a bigger profit. Other valuable crafts are jade bot power cores and service chips, but you need end of dragons and you need to do some steps (wiki it).


5. Fishing: For laid back folks that have eod, wiki how to fish. There are fishing achievements that will give you Ambergris that sells for 3gold each, making it very profitable.


6. Hardcore

  • Gamblers: Gambling in this game happens in crystal desert casino and YOU WILL ALWAYS LOSE IN THE LONG TERM. But if you are lucky you may get 2000gold before you lose all your wealth. To gamble you need to previously have at least 1000gold and 1000 ectoplasm

  • Legendary crafts: Crafting and selling legendaries gives you about 800-1000 gold. It takes time but is a good income start collecting mystic coins and mystic clovers early because you will need many. Wiki gen 1 legendaries or eod legendaries. (Always buy the precursor weapon, dont craft it)

  • Lucky drops: Auric basin meta, crystal desert, tangled depths, are meta events that can drop infusions you sell for 2k, 5k, 13k. But chances are really low. Ive done auric basin 300times and never seen a drop. Nonetheless maybe you are lucky.

  • Fractals and raids: Yes they give loot but you kind of need a team and people farming them will not let you have fun. So meh i dont do this.

  • EoD Strikes: each daily strike gives like 2 or 4 gold, you gotta doble check this but is something like that. You need a team and you need to know the mechanics and be decent at it.


7. Fast dailies:

  • Daily achievements: choose the easiest, wiki this or youttube this.

  • Tequatl: wiki it, 20mins 2gold +tons of karma and chances of dropping ascended

  • Ley line anomaly: wiki it, gives 1MC +0.5g takes 2 mins.


  • 1 pvp tourney: 10g 1hour

  • 6 octovines: 30g 2hour (discontinous remeber 2 mins each every 2 hours)

  • 1 bjora chests: 3g 20mins (+1500VM)

  • 3 ascended crafts: 3g 10mins

  • 1 tequatl: 2g 20mins

  • Dailies: 2g 1hour


Total: 50g 5hours.


This was my fave lowest effort. You can add more options from above to get more gold, but it will also be more time.




Now to be honest i stopped doing this farmings because i found out i was not playing the game i liked, i was doing farming i didnt like. So i prioritized what stuff i really wanted, i got it and stopped farming.


Then i realized the amount of hours i had already spent was so high, and i should have gone for credit card since the beginning, and used all those hours to actually work, do chores or extra laboral hours, and i would have much more money that i could have changed into much more gold in much less time, and wouldnt have to do tedious farming that made me lose some love for the game XD 



But you do you.



Every title is made up of levels of 25, learn about themand you will get any craftsmanship

Crafting is useful for getting ascended armor and legendary components. There are websites that tell you the "shortest path to level up" but we STRONGLY DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM. Because they usually make you craft random things and you dont learn the fundamentals of crafting.


Crafting in any discipline is similar. There are ranks you get every fixed amount of levels:



Up to Journeyman, every rank has 75 levels. Those 75 levels can be broken down into bits of 25 levels as follows:


  • First 25 levels: you need to see in the PRODUCTION tab what are the materials available to refine. You want to do around 150 refinings to get those levels. You can complete the missing levels by crafting the "components" for crafts you will do in next levels

    • Crafting any piece of armor or weapon requires 2 "components" + 1 attribute item​

      • Components are parts of the thing you want to craft, they have intuitive names for you to associate them. For example: Shield boss + Shield backing. ​

      • The attribute item can be basic: blood, venom, totems, bones, scales, claws, fangs. Or it can be a compound: inscription or insignia.

        • Inscriptions and insignias are made of basic attribute items + textile material (wood, metals, leather, etc)

  • The next 25 levels: you will craft items with the components and the attribute item

    • Craft only once each combination. Additional crafts give much less experience.

    • Most of these crafts will be done in the DISCOVERY tab

    • Craft the items that use less mterials, for example gloves, warhorns, etc

    • Craft one of those items per each attribute combination

  • The last 25 levels: you will craft items with advanced inscriptions and insignias.

    • The advanced inscriptions and insignias require more materials but is same idea.

    • You can see them in orange letters in the PRODUCTION tab

    • Some of them come from recipies you buy from grandmaster vendors (npc next to the crafting station)


For the Adept and Master ranks, the process is the same but you have an additional set of 25 levels for the advanced inscriptions and insignias.

Tools for high value crafts

This are web tools to get the most out of your ambitious projects


Efficiency is a very helpful tool, you use your API key that you can get on settings after you login to your account on Anet webpage, and you can see a lot of your account info in this page. 

It helps a lot if you have a crafting project because it will tell you what items you need and how to combine them to craft your final item.

black lion.JPG

Black Lion trading company is a mirror of the ingame trading post, you can see the value of items and their trends, so you know when it is better to buy or sell an item

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