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  • Maneuvers are coordinated movements performed by the squad. They are used to deal with certain situations, and after performed the squad returns to its normal positioning.

  • While Formations require an specific composition of the team, the maneuvers are independant of composition and are just temporary.


The crossing maneuver is moving across the damage zone in order to avoid it and reposition behind the enemy.

It requires the use of dodge rolls, and/or evasion and block skills. If you try to cross the damage without using these skills you will instantly die.


This maneuver is used when the enemy has a very well coordinated dps bomb, or when the support in the team is not big enough to resist the enemy damage.

Here some examples of us practicing corssings in wvw.

You can even use this maneuver by yourself in pvp or pve situations, here an example in minute 0:40

In the case of our Standard Formation. Crossing maneuver is a little different for the ranged team. That team is quite far from the frontline meaning they cant cross in the same path because they will find the damage and will die. Instead they cross on the sides. Look at this clip. Minute 2:10


Bunker maneuver consists of stacking the whole squad and using only defensive skill chains

  1. This maneuver is used when the commander notices the enemy has too much damage or is too hard to kill. The maneuver is done to either retreat to a safe place (such as a captured terrain like towers or keeps) or it can be also used to stall for time while an allied group comes to rescue the squad.

  2. When the maneuver is used in a single place, the tankier players have to surround the squishier players to protect them. This is in case the enemy has pulls or single target snipers.

  3. When the maneuver is used with movement, the tanks will move slowly towards the position signaled by the commander, the rest of the team will also move slow but not as slow. A correct movement should allow the team to stay together without anyone falling behind, but should also allow the squishy players to get out of danger faster than the tanks.


This maneuver is the same bunker maneuver, but with a little difference. Long Range players will not do defensive rotation, instead they will try to shoot the enemy, while being inside the bunker.

  1. This maneuver is used to counter the Cloud Formation, is used to deal with roamers, and is also used to retreat.

  2. Contrary to the Standard formation, in this maneuver ranged players do not stack their damage, and do not call for single targets. In this maneuver the idea is to hit as many enemies as possible to scare them and keep them away from the squad.


This is a very simple and straight forward maneuver. As it name implies, this one consists of swapping role, either with positioning, weapon set, whole equipment set, or build.

  1. For this it is necessary to have stored various builds and equipment sets in the available templates that the game provides for each character.

  2. It is also necessary to have those templates keybinded, so that the swap can happen fast, just by pressing a key or two.

  3. Knowing the disengage skill rotation is important since you will need to disengage and get out of combat in order to change equipment or build.

  4. And finally it is important to know what you are suppossed to do in the new role.

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